Anime e Mangá CLAMP xxxHOLiC

xxxHOLiC 199

§ xxxHOLiC Cap 199 (scan, tradução em inglês): mas hein?

Comentários com SPOILERS:

Watanuki: …That’s right. / I’m sorry.
Himawari: There’s nothing for you to apologise about. / I know you’re only ever thinking of what’s best for me. // I understand that…
Watanuki: Even so… // …I’m sorry.

Himawari: Still… / On the first of April, at least, I’ll be there for sure. / I’ll come to the shop. // We’ll all celebrate your birthday together. // That, I can promise you.
Watanuki: …Okay. // …Himawari-chan…
Himawari: Yes~?
Watanuki: Thank you.

Himawari: …I love you. / Watanuki-kun.
Watanuki: Me too. / I love you, Himawari-chan.


Mas mas mas

Watanuki e Doumeki? Alô?

Essa foi completamente DO NADA. Eu adoro a Himawari, aprovo os dois, mas… DO NADA

Mokona: Doumeki… / Have you been seeing Himawari?
Doumeki: Yeah. / She always wants to hear about Watanuki.

Doumeki: Kunogi made a promise that she would only enter this shop once a year, after all.
Mokona: With Watanuki… / …huh… // All kinds of customers come to this shop. / With all kinds of wishes. // And the items in the storeroom aren’t all nice, pleasant things either. // This place… / …isn’t good for Himawari. // It just isn’t.

Doumeki: …I see.
Mokona: I think when Yuuko was the owner, she made the same decision. // After she granted you and Himawari’s wishes here in the shop… / …the only time she invited Himawari back here was for Watanuki’s birthday.
Doumeki: Is that right?
Mokona: Though of course, it took about a year after he became the owner… / …for Watanuki to realise it himself. // His powers increased quite a lot in the space of that one year…

Doumeki: He told Kunogi at his birthday gathering, didn’t he. / That she shouldn’t come here any more.
Mokona: Watanuki can’t leave this place. / And yet…

Mokona: …meeting Himawari through dreams would only have a negative influence on her nature… // I think he probably told her she shouldn’t come to the shop any more at all…
Doumeki: …But Kunogi wouldn’t accept that. // That’s why they discussed it, and came to the agreement… // …that they would see one another here just once a year, on Watanuki’s birthday.

Mokona: That’s right. // Were you with them when they decided, Doumeki?
Doumeki: Kunogi told me about it afterwards. // She told me that since she would only be able to see him once a year… / …she wanted me to keep her up to date about him the rest of the time.
Mokona: I see…
Doumeki: Kunogi really cares about him.
Mokona: So does Watanuki. // He’s working really hard, using all the techniques he’s learned… / …to try and make the shop even a little more accommodating for her.

Mokona: In preparation for the first of April.
Doumeki: …Yeah. / I’m sure Kunogi understands completely. // That’s why she decided to value Watanuki’s decision, just like him.

Mokona: …And you, Doumeki?
Doumeki: …… // …I just have… / …to make my own choice.

A impressão que eu tenho é que a Ohkawa deu uma desculpa qualquer para afastar os dois. Primeira ela tira do nada que os dois se gostam, aí me diz que a loja “faz mal” para a Himawari. WTF, Ohkawa?

Aí voltamos para o Watanuki tentando achar a pérola vermelha, e a pessoa do mal parece que vai aparecer.

2 respostas em “xxxHOLiC 199”

Estou com medo de ir em algum fórum.Fangirls chorando,amaldiçoando Jesus,e coisas parecidas XD

A Himawari deve ter se apaixonado por ele naquela vez em que o Watanuki continuou aceitando-a como amiga,mesmo com todo o azar dela.E ainda teve aquele passarinho que ele deu de presente.

Mas mesmo assim…foi muito “de repente”.Deve ter sido por causa do “pulo” que teve no tempo e não deu muito tempo para mostrar o que aconteceu depois que a Yuuko morreu.Mas mesmo assim…sei lá,apoio os dois,assim como apoio o casal yaoi favorito de holic XD mas mesmo assim,foi muito de repente.

E estou curiosa com esse caso da menina machucada e da pérola vermelha.Quero ver como vai acabar! Só espero que essa menina não seja uma Kohane-chan versão 2 o_o esses machucados são um mal sinal.

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