Link Potpourri LOL Misc WTF


§ Currículo niilista. Genial.

I also read a bit of Baudelaire, for what it’s worth, which is nothing.

§ Os fórums do Minitokyo são um lugar fascinante. Tem tópicos que são absolutamente hilários… Por exemplo, “Why do guys carry condoms?!“. Alguns quotes:

guys dont not carry condoms, only sex freak do.

Fuck Condoms AND Sex, I’m Not Gonna Do Any Of That Shit Until I’m Married And Ready To Have Kids, It Is Being Irresponsible And Pervy To Just Do It For Pleasure

Mas a maior pérola:

Sex is overrated.

§ O FAQ oficial de deus. Altamente esclarecedor.

§ Um joguinho em flash bem engraçado: ROFL Attack:

Fly your trusty ROFLcopter and battle hordes of LOLLERskaters and LMAOplanes.
Instructions are in game, read for controls. OMGmissiles arn’t supposed to hit LOLLERskaters and WTFbombs arn’t supposed to hit LMAOplanes… IRL.

§ Crossovers de Azumanga Daioh. Destaque para o Azumatrix e Azumanga Renmei.

§ Smells Like Teen Spirit em… ukeleles!

§ Meu sonho é trabalhar .

§ Impagável o artigo sobre Evangelion na Unclyclopedia. Alguns trechos:

Chuck Norris shows up and defeats Evas 5-13 before having sex with the giant Rei. He then bitch slaps Ikari Shinji out of depression, then brings Misato back from the dead and has sex with her as well. He then continues to bitch slap every character until they get over whatever the hell is wrong with them, declares “My work here is done,” and flys off into the sunset.

Nagisa Kaworu kills a kitten every time you masturbate.

[Gendo] Has won the Most Neglecting Father Award 10 years in a row.

Interestingly, Shinji has never been seen together with Marvin the Paranoid Android, the only other person who is anywhere as depressed as Shinji. This has lead some to believe that they are the same person, whereas others believe that if they met each other, the sheer amount of depression concentrated in one location would cause the space-time continuum to tear apart.

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