Anime e Mangá Ghibli Música

Therru no Uta

Saiu no Tokyotosho: Therru no Uta (Canção de Therru), tema de Gedo Senki / Tales of Earthsea. Linda demais…


In the dusk behind the clouds
always alone a hawk is flying
He will surely be sad …

In the wind where is no sound
His wings take the air
Not able to rest …

How do I express
my mind like a hawk?
How do I express
my sadness whirls in the sky?

Behind a rock in a drizzling
The flower bloomed quietly
She will surely be sad …

Blurred in tha rain
No one admires
The pale pink petal

How do I express
my mind like a flower?
How do I express
my sadness caught in the rain?

The path nobody passed
Walking on there with me
You are gonna be surely alone

On a prairie insects are chirping
We are making a journey together
without saying anything …

How do I express
my mind goes alone?
How do I express
my lonely loneliness?

Letra em japonês. (Fora de assunto: Só eu que achei a Therru parecida com a Feena?)

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