Anime e Mangá Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist 103

§ Fullmetal Alchemist Cap 103 (scanlation): revelação bombástica.

Comentários com SPOILERS:

Alguns eventos lá em cima, e voltamos para o Roy.

Ed: That makes no sense!

You just said the Gate gives those who see it the most “fitting” punishment.
That works for the three of us who WILLINGLY tried human transmutation.

But how can you say it’s “fitting” that a guy who didn’t want to see the gate, who had his hand forced,
and lost his sight as a result?!

Ed: That’s not logical! That’s not REAL truth!

Flask: But it’s what happened, whether YOU accept it or not.
Accept your reality, Alchemist!

Exato. Não faz sentido o Roy ter que pagar o preço se ele foi obrigado. E se aquele não é o “Truth” verdadeiro, o que diabos é ele?

Ed: Waaaaaait…they FORCED you to open the Gate?

If they can just make a random alchemist open the gate against his will, why did they bother seeking out people who did it on their own, like us?

They could’ve taken the first five alchemists they found, strong-armed them like they did to Mustang and they’d be all set…
Why’d they wait until now?

Mustang: You figure it out, Fullmetal?

When I was sucked into the transmutation,
he said “I’d hoped we could avoid this, but we’re out of options.”

Ed: So it posed a risk to THEM too, huh…

Let’s see what we can do.

Pelo jeito o Pride está derretendo ou algo do tipo por ter que forçar o Mustang a abrir o portão. Tomara que ele se ferre :D

Ed: All right…
we can still use alchemy!

Aliás, se o Father conseguiu “desligar” a alquimia de toda a cidade lá pra trás, porque ele não faz isso agora? E por sinal, aquilo nunca foi explicado…

Um grupo de Ishbalans invade uma casa para achar um lugar no mapa, e dizem que estão confiando no Scar… o que diabos eles vão fazer?

Então voltamos à luta Bradley vs Scar. Scar tem sua bunda chutada e…

Scar: Your face tells me
you had absolutely no idea.

Scar: It’s true.
I can do THAT as well.
Although until a moment ago I had neither the confidence nor the imagination to make it work.

Scar: I spent ages thinking about what I should be doing.
And this is the answer I found waiting for me.

The result of my brother’s research.
The power to RECONSTRUCT.

Text: Destruction and reconstruction…his arms now house BOTH powers!

Ta-da! Scar também pode usar alquimia.

Não tenho muito o que comentar. Vamos ver onde isso vai parar…

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